Kansas COVID-19 Case Map Turning Red
Even as some of the state’s largest school districts reopen, most counties have such a high rate of new coronavirus cases that they have moved into the red zone on a key state benchmark that suggests schools consider putting the breaks on in-person classes and sports.
The Wichita Eagle reports 75 of the state’s 105 counties were in the worst reopening zone for the two-week cumulative incident rate, which measures the rate of new cases per 100,000 people and is one of five school reopening indicators established by the state.
That’s an increase of 10 counties from a week ago.
Individual districts aren’t bound by the state gating criteria and can make their own reopening decisions, often with guidance from county-level health officials.
The KDHE case rate map also placed 11 counties in the yellow zone and 16 counties in the orange zone.
The number of counties in the green zone, which is the only zone that calls for all in-person classes and extracurricular activities, dropped from seven to three on the case rate map.