Local Area Emergency for Rossville due to flooding late Sunday into Monday morning

The National Weather Service has issued a Flood Warning for Cross Creek, the Wakarusa River and the Kansas River.

Elected and Public Officials in Rossville are planning and preparing at this time.

The City of Rossville has been advised that moderate flooding along Cross Creek will occur today between now and midnight through tomorrow.

If you live in this area please be aware and monitor the situation throughout the day and evening. Updated projections and inundation mapping are available by visiting the City website at www.rossvillekansas.us cross creek levels.

Sand and sand bags have been delivered by Shawnee County Public Works and they are available for Rossville residents at the USD 321 Rossville High School parking lot.

The crest in Rossville on Cross Creek is forecasted to be 28 feet. According to historical crest and inundation mapping, flooding will occur north of US 24 at the 28 foot height.

Shawnee County has activated a Local Area Emergency message through IPAWS, WEA, EAS and the NWS for the Rossville vicinity.

Flood Warnings mean that you should TAKE ACTION.

When driving, please remember the “Turn Around Don’t Drown” program which provides safety and preparedness information. https://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/water/tadd/.