American voters believe the country’s political leaders are failing to deliver on the civility, authenticity and respect their constituents expect, and want to work together to find common ground, according to U.S. Voter Sentiment on Civility in Politics, a new national survey released recently by the American Center for Political Leadership.

Kent Ingle, president of Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida, the home for the American Center for Political Leadership, notes that it starts with listening.

“You have to kind of understand where they’re coming from,” said Ingle. “Understand their context. How do they view this? If you begin to see it through their lens, it helps you to begin to apply principles, points, ways that you can begin to start coming together to create a solution.”

Winners of elections need to serve all their constituents, not just those who agree with them.

“In the survey, 78 percent of the voters wanted to see their elected officials work for everyone in the general public, not just those that agree with their political views,” said Ingle. “They want them to come together and find common ground. Once that representative wins an election, it is now their job to go to Washington, or go to the Statehouse or go to wherever that might be and now look at everyone.”

Part of reducing the power of big-money donors over the people could be accomplished by guaranteeing that politicians only served a certain amount of time.

“Term limits would be significant in helping us become more solution-oriented,” said Ingle. “They won’t continue to play politics, because it’s a lifetime occupation. It becomes, I’m here, I have a short period of time. Let’s get some things done and let’s make a difference.”

The study was conducted by Heart + Mind Strategies on the evening of the November 6th 2018 midterm elections.