Tulip Time Bulb Sale Set

The annual sale of tulip bulbs from Jerold Binkley Tulip Time is set.

There will be two sales this week:

• May 5 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Howey Greenhouse near Ted Ensley Gardens (take SE 37th to Howey, go south and then turn right to the greenhouse)

• May 7 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at Old Prairie Town/Ward Meade Historic Site (124 NW Fillmore)

The cost of the tulips will be $5 per bag.

Bags will be provided, and patrons may purchase as many tulips as they can fit into a bag.

More than one bag may be purchased.

Proceeds from the tulip bulb sale go to the Parks For All Foundation via Friend of Ted Ensley Gardens and Friends of Ward-Meade.

The friends groups purchase the tulips each year for Jerold Binkley Tulip Time.